Friday, June 20, 2008

Here goes nothing!

Well, everyone and their dogs, yes even peoples dogs, are telling me I must create a blog so here goes nothing. I'm not sure what I could have to say that would be interesting to the world, but I will try to provide some entertainment for you out there reading. Shaun and I are quite boring, but we do have a hilariously funny 2 1/2 year old who is keeping us quite entertained. Natalie was full of life since the day she came to us, and keeps becoming more and more like her mom which is becoming a bit scarey for me!! In public most people thinks she is mute because she is so scared of public and strangers, but when you get home the motor mouth never stops!! She is convinced she can read so she reads me books all day long and plays her piano and sings me primary songs that she tends to make up the words to because she is an embellisher. She bosses her dolls around like she is their mother, and tells them things like "you are so frustrating", gee I wonder where she hears that! She loves to be a princess and dress up in her dresses and pretend she is getting married! Then while in her princess dress she makes me be the wicked stepmother on Cinderella and be the "mean lady" I tell her I don't have to pretend to be the mean lady, but she doesn't get it quite yet!! She also thinks she can drive a car, which is quite funny, and she sits there and asks me if she can get her drivers license!

Shaun is still working at Micron and really enjoys his job. I am a stay at home mom and love most every minute of it! I thought I would be less busy but it seems like the days fly by and I don't know where the time goes.I have really gotten into scrabooking which is amazing since I never thought I had a creative bone in my body!! Thanks for reading, and I'll get to posting some pictures of our little family and all our silly adventures!!


Joel and Dacia said...

Oh, I'm so glad you started this! You make me laugh so hard and it makes me miss you!

Melissa said...

well I'm glad I coulde make you laugh! Miss you too, let us know how you guys are doing!

Steven said...

Wahooo!! It's about time. I am very amazed at what you have done just starting out. Music, go girlie!! Can't wait you visit daily.

Katie staten said...

Melissa, Naltalie looks so much like you. She is adorable. I wish I could hear the things she says first hand. Glad to see you're blogging.